CodeJam Problem : Cookie Clicker Alpha Solution (C#)

This problem is part of the Google code jam 2014 Qualification Round. I have participated and was able to solve only 2 of the 4 problems. Now I would like to share the code of the two I solved. And this is the solution of Cookie Clicker Alpha. Read the problem statement here. And if you're interested here is the solution of the other problem 'Magic Trick' that I managed to solve. I have used C Sharp to solve these problems. And I believe they are self explanatory for the most part.

The Problem:

The problem is based on an online game Cookie Clicker by Orteil. Well, assuming that you have read the problem statement, our job is to output the time taken to make X cookies in seconds. Provided that you can increase the rate of your production, and you always start with 0 cookies. You have to follow the best possible strategy that is explained in the problem statement.

The Code:

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